
Friday, March 27, 2020

Surviving the Pandemic

Just before the quarantine I finished the painting my son has been waiting for since the end of the sailing season last year.  He picked it up and two days later we are in for the duration.  Here's the one I finished....
It actually only took two days once I finally settled on the view I wanted, should have done thumbnails.  Oh well, I have several papers ready to use for collage.

Now that we are in for the duration I've managed to get more clutter cleared.  That is a constant task.  And I'm getting back to some art that hasn't been happening.  I'm also catching up on reading and working on my memoir.  

I hesitate to call it a memoir because it's more stories about the people I grew up with than it is about me.  I'm writing it for the next generation because there are so many interesting stories that I remember and I regret that I didn't record my dad telling his stories.  The next generation may not be interested but just in case, I want them to know their family.