
Sunday, October 13, 2024

A New Favorite Tool


 “Outside the comfort zone is where the magic happens”

So I’ve been venturing outside my comfort zone.  Among the things I’ve learned on that venture – a new favorite mark making tool – Grandpa Percy’s whisk broom

Here is an example of the marks it makes – This piece is working outside my comfort zone.  Just playing with different tools.  No way could I make marks like that any other way.

And it feels good making them.  I was only 9 months old when he died so never knew him.  However, mother always said our lives would have been so much different had he lived.  I’m thinking that was a positive because I heard from others that he approved of her, Grandma didn’t.  That whisk broom has been in my studio for years but I’ve never used it.  Now I like to think he’s in here with me helping me find my way.  Time will tell.

Here are a couple more playing with colors, stencils, sticks and other mark making tools.


And back in the studio after a trip to Virginia I’m doing a redo on a 16x16 cradle – this is before the do over. 

I didn’t like where it was going so I sanded it all back.  Once that was done it was almost all black with spots of white so I covered it entirely with vintage papers and started over.  I had a vision of what it would be but it had other ideas.  This is where it is now and I have no clue where it will want to go next. 

I haven’t done much more in here.  We spent a week in Virginia exploring and celebrating the life of my cousin. I had mixed emotions about it – she was my first best friend and we were buddies in spite of being total opposites.  We went our separate ways as we grew older but the friendship remained.  It was the type that even apart for many years (she was a military wife) when we saw each other it was like we just parted a day or two ago. She had a good life so in spite of being sad, it was a celebration.  And it was good to see her siblings and her kids and grandkids – even greats.

Now it’s time to get back to work in the studio.  In addition to the WIP I'm still playing with stones and florals.  I've been using different media, more exploring -- some of it outside my comfort zone.  Here are a couple florals -- one with acrylic and one with oil paint sticks.  

I'm almost done with the floral and stone exploration so it's time to set up a new challenge.  Don't yet know what it's going to be but I'll post when I get it underway.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

I do Love Rocks and Stones

 Rocks are nature’s reminders that even the toughest 

obstacles can be overcome

Stable and vintage -- two things that draw me in.  I've been a stone collector forever and have always been drawn to cobblestone walls, houses and streets.  I've been doing a watercolor pebbles series for over a year and decided to try some different ways of painting them.  This new series is in a concertina sketchbook so when I'm done I can see the full spread.  I may or may not continue with the pebbles series using new techniques.  

That really doesn't matter.  For now I'm having fun exploring.  Here are a couple more ,,,

I've been doing the same thing with flowers in another concertina sketchbook but didn't get to many of those this week.  It's been a busy one working at the International Society of Experimental Artists (ISEA) annual symposium that was held here in Grand Haven this year.

I did get a couple florals done -- one the way I've recently been doing them in watercolor and one totally different in acrylic ...

As with the stones, I may or may not do a series of florals, doesn't matter, I'm having fun exploring.

And if you are in the Grand Haven area do check out the ISEA exhibit at Central Park Place, it will be up until the end of October.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Some New Directions, Some On Going & Some Revived

"Perfectly Imperfect"

I don't remember where I read that but it was a comment about a painting they had done.  I like the thought that it can apply to people as well.  Yes, I am perfectly imperfect.  Well, maybe not quite but close.  I've neglected the blog so playing catch up.  This may be a long post.

I continue to do the stones.  I almost always have one going and it's a good place to sit a minute and find a few if I'm stuck somewhere else.

While I was at Spider Lake for my annual Art Retreat I played a bit with watercolor abstraction.  This is one of them.  There are a few more but they need a lot more work.


A new thing for me that I played with at Spider Lake -- faces.  And since I'm a believer in angels I decided to make a couple of them angels. 

"Only if there are angels in your head will you ever, possibly, see one"
Mary Oliver

My friend Annie and I spent a fun afternoon making mark makers.  These are a few of mine and some of the marks they make.

Most of you know clearing clutter is a constant battle here.  That's what I was doing when I found the Christmas piece that I hadn't finished..  That one is 12z12, the one above it is only 4x4 and it's a coaster that sides on the side table by my spot on the couch.  It's been several years since I did these.  They are based on a pattern by Jane LaFazio but there is no way to do it exactly as she did.  Christmas is coming and I have a lot of red and green fabric.  Last night I spent a couple hours adding embroidery to this one.  I have another one downstairs that needs more embroidery.  I'm thinking Christmas coasters may be something to put in the holiday show at the Gallery Uptown.

I have a lot more to add but it will have to wait.  My newsletter is due out soon, the more will be in it.  If you don't get it and would like to let me know.  I try to get it out once a month but I do miss some.  Actually I feel like it's better to miss a month than to send too many.

Time to stop, we are taking our grandson to orientation since dad is working.  Can't believe he's starting high school.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Morning Flowers and Tuesdays

I do enjoy doing these quick flowers in the morning after doing my morning journal.  Sitting on the patio listening to the birds and our gurgling fountain is a great way to start my day. Here are a few


As you can see, quick doesn't always mean good.  It really doesn't matter to me because these aren't going anywhere.  I was sending aome of my quick ones to my cousin but we lost her recently so these will stay here unless I figure out something else to do with them.

The Tuesday Painters are still painting and this summer the group decided to do some churches.  This is the one we did this week.  It's always fun to see how each painting is.  Maybe next week I can take a photo of all of them so you can see how different we all are.

That's it for now.  I have clutter and paintings in process to deal with.



Saturday, June 15, 2024

How Many Times Have I Written this

My nature is to flit from one thing to another.  Dabble is what I seem to do best, I'm a head in the clouds kind of gal.  It's fun but not very fulfilling.  Focus is better and so here I am again -- focusing on CLEARING THE CLUTTER which is my excuse for not posting here for awhile. Full circle one more time.

I am still doing pebbles and some morning warmups...

 ...but I need to make space to do more of the experimental works that are such fun. And this time truly focus on clearing, not just finding another corner to pile things in but getting rid of stuff.  I recently gave a good size box of art supplies to Momentum Center here in Grand Haven. The Center has programs for teens, a social and recreational program for individuals focusing on positive relationships, mental health, success in school, and overall well-being; and for adults with mental illness, disabilities, or addictions. It's a good organization and it will use the supplies I donated.

I'm working on a second batch of stuff -- equipment and supplies I haven't used in several years but are still in good condition, some still with the original packaging open but still holding the equipment that maybe got used once. Progress is being made. I have a clear work surface so got out something I started quite awhile ago. Time to get serious about finishing it.

And I have these handmade journals/sketchbooks to finish -- I have way more of these than I will ever use since I'm also a sucker for buying readymade sketchbooks for Urban Sketching and other plein air sketching that I do. I may have to start giving some of these away.

A bonus -- yesterday I took a break to meet some Hamilton/Noble/Percy cousins.  A very long lunch and lots of learning since we are 2nd cousins and 2nds once removed that have  never met before. Geneology is fun.  I'm more interested in the stories but the connections are also interesting. And I learned there is another artist in the family.  It was an enjoyable afternoon.

That's it for now.  Once all this clutter is gone I'll post but that may not happen fast, I want to focus on getting it permanently clear so I can come in and work.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Finding the Spark


Creativity often consists of merely turning up what is already there

We’ve all heard that inside each of us, is our own unique creative spark. I believe it – sometimes.  The trick is giving ourselves the time to explore it. Exploring is something I hadn’t been doing.  I get so caught up in thinking about what I should do that I forget to take time for exploring – just explore with no thought about making a good piece of art -- and not worrying about the clutter in my studio.

So I've just been playing with whatever I felt the urge to do and am having fun in the studio again.  Haven't produced much that's good but some not so bad and I'm paying attention to what is fun for me.
I do enjoy finding the stones in my meditative pebbles series. I also enjoy the morning warmups.  Both are watercolor.  This is the most recent warmup.

And I've been playing with making sketchbooks from old papers, some that were watercolors or collage that were either going in the trash or becoming a sketchbook/art journal.

I've been playing with art journaling for a long time but never really liked anything I did.  I know, that's the point.  It's supposed to help you find your way.  All it showed me was that my way was a mess.  Well we already knew I was messy.  Didn't need an art journal to tell me that. 

One night while I had a couple of these new collage sketchbooks on the table while I was watching the news and I started playing in one of them -- a couple flowers.  You can see one on the cover of one in the top photo. I know I like flowers so may explore them more in different media.

That was fun so last night I took the a different one into the den while we watched a movie.  For whatever reason I have no clue -- I played with part of a face. I do remember a grunge journal I worked in a few years back where I drew faces.  

I may have to play with that idea a bit more but for now I'll continue to just play with whatever moves me at the moment.  I think my muse is back and pushing me to just play.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Searching For My Muse

 "Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working"


Maybe that's why my muse took a vacation!  I think she may be coming back.  At least I hope so. 

This week my Tuesday Painters group went to Spring Lake Library to see the remodel.  African Violets in most of the windows got my attention -- reminded me of my grandmother and these I painted are more the color of the ones she grew that the library's actually are.

I also tried something different with my pebble pieces.  Most of them have been on quarter sheets of watercolor paper or on 9x12" sheets.  I need some small pieces for the upcoming Art Tribe show so I decided to try 6x6" pieces.  I've done 3 and so far I'm thinking it will work -- need to keep at it.  

And this morning I decided maybe I should try something a bit different before I tackle the next stone piece.  This is the result. It was fun and I like the result but not enough to frame it.  It's a good warm-up.

I'm hopeful -- I will get back to a regular schedule of painting and posting.