
Friday, February 7, 2025

It's The Month For Hearts

 So I made one for my spouse.  He doesn't read my blog or Facebook so he won't see it until it's time.

I love the penmanship.  I have several letters from Paddy to my mother and I am stingy with them but had to use one for this.

Dancing, choir practice and my morning sketches were pretty much all the creativity this week.  One sketch I posted and said I might add color when I did my afternoon journal.  I did and here she is along with this morning's quick one --


These morning sketches are done very quickly, anywhere from one to five minutes.  I do them in a daily journal that I write in at the end of my day in the studio. As you can see from these two, some come out decent, some not so much.  But it is a good exercise.

The rest of the time was sorting, purging and finally finishing taking down Christmas.  So much for my plan to work on at least one painting this month.  Oh well, the month isn't over yet.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Fun With A Pot That Wasn't


The group I paint with on Tuesday mornings went to Spring Lake Library this week. Most of us use a sketchbook dedicated to our Tuesdays.  The one I am currently using just wasn't working for the type of watercolor sketching I normally do but I have more pages to fill so I decided to add some gesso, collage paper and masking tape along with coffee splatters to them to see if that helped.  It did this week but what I painted isn't what was there.

Spring Lake Library has violets on it's windowsills. Someone was sitting at the table with the sun hitting it so I went to the one in the shade.  I loved the look of the pot and thought it would work perfectly with my recently doctored paper. I quickly drew in the shape and a few violets just because I thought the pot needed to hold something.  Then I began to examine the pot.  It wasn't what it appeared to be. The reality -- an ordinary garden variety clay pot sitting in a dirty plastic container.  Oh well, I'll just paint what drew me to it in the first place and I was correct, it does work on the doctored paper.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Collage Papers Fun and a Warm Up


This warm up is too busy for my taste but I did have fun making it.  Then I went back to making more collage papers.  I was especially enjoying making bubble papers once I finally figured out how best to do it.


The quick morning sketches have also continued and you can see by one of them, I'm still putting Christmas away. I get Christmas out and in place a little bit at a time between Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve and I put them away the same way -- between New Years day and the end of January. The tree will be the last thing that comes down.  I enjoy sitting by it late in the afternoon and working in a new daily art/journal. The sketches are done in the morning, the journaling in the afternoon.  


And the daily journaling has been consistent so far.  It's also been fun doing different lettering.

Today more Christmas will get put away and the many collage papers I've been making will get sorted so I can make some collages tomorrow.  I'll post those next week.


Friday, January 17, 2025

Back to Stones and other things

 I’ve been keeping a schedule which was one of my goals for this year.  Not perfect yet but a start. Another start is getting back to a sketch every day and stones.  Here are two small, 4x4 in, stone pieces finished. 


As promised, here are the two small ones from that free collage workshop I wrote about last week. These are also 4x4 in.  I didn’t realize it until I looked at the photo but the vintage paper on the right will be 100 years old on the 27th of this month.

One concept she was teaching was pick papers you love for your collage based on what we had done in the class. Since I had picked colors that aren’t part of what I normally gravitate toward I wasn’t in love with any of them, vintage excluded, but I did like some way better than some others and I think that’s close enough and a good rule to follow. There are a couple shows coming up so I need to get busy doing more of these.

What else, daily sketching, so far I'm sticking to it..  I finally realized the for me, an art journal is part art and part journaling with the journaling being primary.  So, I’m back to doing some morning sketches and sometimes a bit of collage paper in the journal to separate out spaces to write.  At the end of a studio day I sit with that journal and write about what I did or did not do that day.  The hats are one subject.  That started with the one I posted last week.  Here are a couple more…  


The one on the left was very colorful.  I may do it again and take some time to add color.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Back to Sketching and a New Journal


Even if it’s just a quick sketch like this one, I’m back to doing it regularly.

My Mini was recalled so I had to take it to the dealer for service.  That meant a trip to Grand Rapids and Ed following to pick me up.  We decided to visit the Museum since we were in town and, being a hat lover, I had to do a quick sketch in the fashion section. I took some photos so there will be more of these in future journals.

My word for this year is JOY and I started a new sketchbook/journal with a page writing about why I picked that word.  And because it’s a word I have been concentrating on I keep finding more joy in my life… even on not so good days.  This is the spread.

Instead of what most think of as an art journal, this year mine is going to be a journal with some art.

Another January project was a free Collage Taster Workshop.  10 Days of collage lessons, most of them preparing papers.  I did learn some techniques that were new to me and some ideas for selecting papers.  I found that some of her techniques would take more practice than I wanted to take time for primarily because I already knew a way to get the same result with a gelli plate. I was also reminded of some techniques that I had totally forgotten about.  Like using marbles.  I didn’t have marbles but I did have fake pearls, they sort of worked.  I’m going to the dollar store for marbles.

I’m hoping to do two small collages tomorrow using the papers I selected from the many I made during the class.  I’ve also added some vintage just because I like vintage.  These are the papers.

I’ll post the finished pieces next week.


Saturday, November 9, 2024

A New Challenge


Life is not just the passing of time. 
Life is the collection of experiences and their intensity.

It's hard to believe Christmas is right around the corner. Time just keeps going faster and as I sort and declutter I am reminded of life passing -- it's been a good one and I expect that to continue.

My latest challenge is evolving into the season, my favorite holiday.  What I started is a 30 Day Challenge, doing a drawing in the Stillman & Birn Beta Series sketchbook my husband gave me for Christmas last year.  The one above is one, here are a couple more...


Eventually the drawings evolved into faces.  I had been watching a Toni Burt video and tried doing one the way she did.  Since the normal sorting and purging is going on in the studio I happened to be going through many old sketchbooks and realized I had been doing faces like that for a very long time and the line she added around her drawings was the same that I had used to outline handwritten quotes many years ago.  I felt better about doing the angels once I realized I wasn't just copying Toni. 


Eventually the faces evolved into angels.  As Christmas approaches our card may be an angel. I've been a collector of them since I was a young girl but don't think I ever did one for a card.


So far I've only done watercolor with some collage in the sketchbook.  My new mantra -- "This may not work but...." I'm going to try a mixed media angel.  So far layers of collage papers, gesso and modeling past and an angel sketched on all of that.  We shall see where this leads.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

A New Favorite Tool


 “Outside the comfort zone is where the magic happens”

So I’ve been venturing outside my comfort zone.  Among the things I’ve learned on that venture – a new favorite mark making tool – Grandpa Percy’s whisk broom

Here is an example of the marks it makes – This piece is working outside my comfort zone.  Just playing with different tools.  No way could I make marks like that any other way.

And it feels good making them.  I was only 9 months old when he died so never knew him.  However, mother always said our lives would have been so much different had he lived.  I’m thinking that was a positive because I heard from others that he approved of her, Grandma didn’t.  That whisk broom has been in my studio for years but I’ve never used it.  Now I like to think he’s in here with me helping me find my way.  Time will tell.

Here are a couple more playing with colors, stencils, sticks and other mark making tools.


And back in the studio after a trip to Virginia I’m doing a redo on a 16x16 cradle – this is before the do over. 

I didn’t like where it was going so I sanded it all back.  Once that was done it was almost all black with spots of white so I covered it entirely with vintage papers and started over.  I had a vision of what it would be but it had other ideas.  This is where it is now and I have no clue where it will want to go next. 

I haven’t done much more in here.  We spent a week in Virginia exploring and celebrating the life of my cousin. I had mixed emotions about it – she was my first best friend and we were buddies in spite of being total opposites.  We went our separate ways as we grew older but the friendship remained.  It was the type that even apart for many years (she was a military wife) when we saw each other it was like we just parted a day or two ago. She had a good life so in spite of being sad, it was a celebration.  And it was good to see her siblings and her kids and grandkids – even greats.

Now it’s time to get back to work in the studio.  In addition to the WIP I'm still playing with stones and florals.  I've been using different media, more exploring -- some of it outside my comfort zone.  Here are a couple florals -- one with acrylic and one with oil paint sticks.  

I'm almost done with the floral and stone exploration so it's time to set up a new challenge.  Don't yet know what it's going to be but I'll post when I get it underway.