Last post I mentioned the synchronicity… daily challenge, windows, book on my coffee table, Windows to the Soul and then finding scraps that looked like windows. Continuing along that vein I used the scraps to do a little digging into my likes and loves and why. Water was big, that is so obvious to me that I didn’t bother writing it down right away. I was looking for things I had to think about, searching.

I spent a couple days here, two windows, before moving on to narrowing it down to the basics. Sine water related items came up 6 times in the regular list, it ranked as #1 on the new list. One window for the whats and 1 window for the whys, another two days covered.

I’m not sure where all this is going but it’s sitting on the back burner for awhile. Once last window and then on to other things that have been going on the last couple weeks….

All that writing around this window is testing pens for a Lenten project we’re doing at church. A weaving….

This is the frame made by a very talented couple, Suzanne and Mike Moynihan. We’re using strips of unbleached muslin and asking members of the congregation to write a favorite hymn title, a prayer, a bible verse, whatever they would like on a strip. We’ll be weaving as we get finished strips. The strips of fabric have been ironed to freezer paper for ease in writing. Hope it turns out the way I have envisioned it.
I’ve also been getting ready for the April exhibit at the Gallery Uptown, “Fire, Fiber and Color”. I’m one of the fiber artists so have been busy stitching. These are a few of the pieces I’m finishing …

And April also means we need new work for our walls and I really need to get painting. Synchronicity again…..
These art quilts are basically abstracts. I’ve never done abstract painting for a lot of reasons that I’m not going into now, this post is way too long already. However, after looking at my little quilts I decided maybe it was time to try some abstract paintings so this is a start, a WIP (work in process) that has the first three layers done.

Layer one, an old watercolor painting that didn’t work. Layer two, cover the painting with gesso and color. Layer three, add some collage elements. It’s going to be a mixed media piece.
I had watched a Jane Davies video about doing postcards all at once (one piece of paper and then cut out the postcards.) Why not with paintings…. so…. this one will be 6 small paintings, 2 8x8 inch, 4 4x4 inch and maybe some Artist Trading Cards to boot. (I’m hoping small will sell.) At this point I’m not paying attention to composition, just getting something down to work with.
I’ll post my progress. Sorry I didn’t think to photograph stages 1 and 2.