
Thursday, February 7, 2008

A Birdhouse for Camp Bluebird

Camp Bluebird is a camp for adults with cancer. I've donated to this organization every year for the past several years.... the past couple years it has been in memory of my good friend Judy who lost her battle with cancer and two friends, Karen and Connie who, as I write this, are winning their battles. I've donated a painting for the auction... but the painting was done long ago so it can't count as my piece for the week. However, the birdhouse can. Every year the Board of the camp gives birdhouses to area artists to decorate. They're used as centerpieces and they're part of the auction. That's what I've been working on this week. I've been sorting fabric so using some of my lace just seemed appropriate. I call this one "There's an angel in the house." I've made a small angel using a couple different patterns, the interior is lined in hand dyed silk that has some stars on it and the angel is hanging inside. That photo is blurry because of the way the door opens... I couldn't get far enough away for the camera to focus.

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