I’ve neglected my blog over the past couple of months. Needless to say I have a variety of excuses but none are good. I think the main reason is feeling like I really need to find something worthwhile to say, as if my own thoughts aren’t worthwhile. So you see that really isn’t a good excuse because I know my thoughts are worthwhile, I really do. It’s just that every now and then when my muse leaves me I don’t feel like they are. But my muse is back. Truth is she’s always there just waiting for me to begin to do the work, then she makes herself available again.
There has been much going on and I should have been writing about the events and visiting the blogs I love to follow but haven’t lately. Time to get back in the grove, I’ll start with the current project my Creativity Class is working on. They decided they wanted to do an Art Doll Collaborative so here we go. Each of 9 artists made a basic doll with a journal to travel around to the other 8 artists. We won’t see our own dolls again for 9 months. Mine is Lizzie, a stump doll that has a face but no makeup and no hair. Since I believe what we become is very much influenced by the people and places we were exposed to growing up I sent Lizzie off to become whoever she is going to be after being exposed to these other creative women. She’s with Betty right now and I know Betty is traveling so Lizzie may get to go along… who knows.
I have Billy Bob; he’s going to sit in my studio for awhile so we can get acquainted before I decided what he needs first. Any suggestions?
Glad to see you back and working creatively!
: )))
So good to see you back. I was getting worried. Interesting project...do you each add an item and send the doll on to the next person?
It's good to be back. Yes Joan, we each add something to the doll and then send it on to the next person. It lives with each of us for a month so I won't see Lizzie again until November.
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