
Friday, June 12, 2015

Still More Of Last Week’s Work

This time more of my Little Gems Series.

little gems 21


The Little Gems are 4x4’', all non-representational.  I’m learning to just let go and let God.  One idea leads to another as the series continues.  This one is similar in color and pattern to the earliest gems.  As the progression continues you can see it evolving…

little gem 22

little gem 23

little gem 24

little gem 25

little gem 26

little gem 27

little gem 28

little gem 29

little gem 30

little gem 31

I also finished three more 8 x 8’'” pieces…

blue and orange

going in circles

running in circles

and finally this last one… I have no idea where she came from but I do like her…

4 x 4  you bet I'm dancin

You can see, it was a productive week.  And it was a fun week!   Now to get everything mounted and ready to sell.

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