
Friday, October 16, 2015

More of the Challenge & Some Therapy

I was behind but caught up with my dailies… Here are a few more of them….

day 6 house day 7 sage

day 8 a door day 10 gargoyle

day 11 angelday 12 more buoys

day 13 millpointe park wde boat

adventist church door

The color one was done with pen, ink and watercolor. 

And the therapy… I spent yesterday afternoon making acrylic skins… only because I love watching the colors mingle.  Here are two that are simply black and white, one with a bit of gold.

skin, b and w  skin, blk and white only

I will probably use these for collage, then again, maybe not.  We shall see

1 comment:

Joan Tavolott said...

Nice collection of your daily pieces!!! Great variety of subjects.