
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Computer Problems

Such a headache they are.  Computers are wonderful when they work but when they don’t – ugh!  I’ve lost all of my files.  I know they are in here somewhere but have no idea how to access them.  For that matter, I have to really hunt just to find the programs I use.  With two exceptions, Photoshop (thank you Lord) and my Art Inventory Program, all other program icons are gone as is the list in my “all programs” file. 

Back-up, yes I know and I did.  However, when the demon attacked my computer, my back-up drive was in – it is now empty too.  That’s where all of my art inventory photos were.   At least I still have the inventory information, just no images.  Which is why the image on this blog entry is an old photo that I just scanned.  I don’t know what I’m going to do with it other than use it as my profile photo on Facebook, maybe a work of art somewhere along the line.  It’s my cousin Gail helping me learn to walk.  For now, I’m just trying to find my way around my computer.

just g and h h walks for a small card

1 comment:

Dean H. said...

A "computer" person can often reclaim material from your hard drive! I had that happen to me not long ago.
Also FlickR and Picasa hold unto photos...check them out.
Puters are a pain. Good luck.