
Monday, October 28, 2013

The Everyday Matters Challenge

my shoe

My first entry, the first one on the list, a shoe.  It was easy, I was wearing one.

I didn’t manage to do a daily sketch, my grandson’s Halloween costume had to come first.  More on that later.  For now, the next three I did ….

A well loved object from childhood, one of the miniature pottery cups and saucers from the set that went with my dolls…

my blue cup toy

Next was something Holiday themed.  This time a Santa I made from one of my husband’s discarded patched Pendalton shirts

Santa from Ed's patched shirt

And Draw in public.  After viewing American Landscapes at the Grand Rapids Art Museum we stopped for an appetizer and a glass of wine.  I sketched a fellow sitting at the bar.

Saturday sketch at the bar

And my grandson’s Halloween costume, he wants to be a car so here it is.  The touch of red is from Grandpa’s ski suspenders shortened so they fit his front


Barb said... all the paintings. Your days just bloom with creativity. That costume is so original and so fitting given his father's interests!

Barb said...

Helen, I love the paintings. That costume is so original and so perfect giving his father's interests. Love it. Your house just hums with creativity.

Joan Tavolott said...

Nice sketches! Projects like that are good to can easily find something to sketch and it doesn't have to be a big production. Keep them coming.

I think the car is a cute costume!