
Monday, October 24, 2016

Back to Sun, Moon and Stars

The suns, moons and stars are mine but credit goes to Jude Hill (Spirit Cloth) for the layout.  The only difference is hers is horizontal.  I'm not sure where I'm going with this so I scanned it and will do some doodling.  Grandson said he wanted it so maybe this will be a small quilt for him.  So far I have only a few very sketchy thoughts that need to be flushed out.  

Meanwhile I've also done more work on bookmarks but need to photograph them.  Maybe for tomorrow's entry.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Fall & Another Wine Bag

Every year for the past several I've made a Christmas table runner.  This year I decided to do one for Fall.  I still have some hand stitching to do to finish but it's close to done.

A design wall would be helpful.  Now that this is all together I can see that I should have put the top one the other way around and on the bottom.  Oh well, most that see it won't notice.  Perhaps I'll do another one next fall.  One can only use so many Christmas table runners.  On the other hand, there is still time... maybe there is room for one more for Christmas. But first, more wine bags.

This one is denim with ribbon from my grandmother's knit shop and tatting done by my mother.  The ribbon is an indication of how long I keep things.  My grandmother has been gone since 1958.  It's taffeta and pretty sturdy but just in case, I put a fusible backing on it before adding it to the bag.

I've used the ribbon on wreaths and lots of other holiday decorations and think of her every time I use it.  This is the first time I've used it on something that may go away.  Still plenty left though so I'm not feeling a loss.

I recently saw a knit wall hanging where the person used a lot of her grandmother's knitting tools to make it an art piece.  I have been thinking about doing something similar though not a knit wall hanging. While I was once an avid knitter, my fingers no longer enjoy it so I do another type of stitching.  I have some of Grandma's tools, some of my mother's, and some parts of quilts done by my great, great grandmother.  One of these days I'll figure out a way to put them all together in a piece of art.  Maybe that will be my project for the January exhibit at the Gallery.  We're suppose to do a work of art that is totally different than anything else we have done.... maybe an assemblage?  Have to talk with my friend Annie Morgan... the assemblage expert.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Halloween & More Sun, Moon, Stars

This is the start of my Halloween decorating, it will hold the glowstick bracelets we give out.  I think I'll put a black cloth on the table; no idea yet what else will be there but it's a start.  the crow is one I made with another idea in mind.  He was sitting unfinished in my studio, he still needed legs.  I saw him and one of those AHA moments came... went out and bought a pail, sprayed it black and attached the crow.

I also did a bit more stitching on the Sun, Moon and Stars project...

The top three stars I was lucky enough to be able to buy from Jude Hill (Spirit Cloth.)  Things in her store go as quickly as she puts them there.  I have 9 of these little stars but I don't want to use them all in the same piece.  The rest are mine.  Harvest moon and the sun are appliqued as is the little boat.  

For the boat I was thinking Winkin' Blinkin' and Nod; however, they aren't in a wooden shoe. 

And I this is our little guy, I got there just as the photographer was about to snap his photo for the team pictures so I was able to get a shot too. 

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Sun, Moon, Stars and Wine Bags

 This is one of the Sun, Moon and Stars pieces that I'm working on.  It's small and I have no idea what it will eventually become part of but for now it just says something, a quote I saw and liked but I have no idea who said it. "The Sky is no limit.  There are footprints on the Moon."

 And a couple more pieces to add to the basket of potential for this project.  You can learn more about it over on the Spirit Cloth blog, Jude Hill's blog is one of my favorites.

And I'm still working on Wine Bags, these are the newest, two of denim and 1 velvet.  I think I need to make some in Christmas colors next but I also like the combination of denim and lace.  And that reminds me.... I spent three days taking a huge pile of old jeans apart.  Some mine, some husbands, some my sons and some my grandsons.  Now all that denim is neatly organized in tubs and I filled a 39 gallon trash bag with the parts I wasn't going to use.  That's a lot of old jeans.

Today, more wine bags and more Sun, Moon and Stars.  

Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Poor Farm and some fiber stuff

We're going to the Poor Farm.  I remember hearing about the Poor Farm as a child; however, I didn't know there really was such a thing.  I thought it was just a figure of speech but when I moved to Grand Haven I learned there really was such a thing.

Since it's no longer used it's a Historical Site and our local museum is the caretaker.  Tonight they are having a fundraiser dinner and we are going with some friends.  There have been events going on there all day but I've been buried in my stitching room working on Wine Bags and getting ready to do some Sun, Moon and Stars along with Jude Hill over at Spirit Cloth.

Here are a few of the wine bags...

The one on the left below holds glasses, silverware and an opener.

The Sund Moon Stars was a class I took several years back but only finished a couple pieces and they have been given away.  Jude is doing the class again, free on her blog so I got out pieces I started before, a few new ones and some fabric.  I also got some of Jude's stars in the mail today... those are center left in the first photo.  Time to get ready for the Poor Farm