
Friday, October 8, 2021

I Never Thought I'd Be An Abstract Artist

Over the years I’ve traveled down many artistic paths.  Watercolors, oils, textiles, graphite, printmaking, jewelry and clay were steps along the way.  I've even done some china painting. Here are some versions of past works:

Recently I've settled on abstract painting and collage.


Looking back at pieces that got the most attention through the years, Abstraction and Collage seems to have always worked their way in to some of my work.

I like old. Papers worn and cherished by someone before they found their way to me.  Objects that show signs of wear, peeling paint and other well worn surfaces get my attention.  Those elements show up in most of my work.  Here is a sketch done after a day taking photos at a pile of old dock parts.

Parts of this may find the way into an abstract piece. I have boxes of sketchbooks full of scenes and subjects that caught my attention over the years.  My newer sketchbooks tend to have more examples of marks, shapes and textures that get my attention.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

All beautiful work! So many people who do abstract work seem to do so because they can't draw, so they can get away with making a mark this way. That's not so for you! I never thought about maintaining a sketchbook for ideas to put into abstract work. Fascinating. I love your work.