
Saturday, September 16, 2023

Still Playing With Stones

And I'm beginning to think about Christmas.  This little guy may become a gift tag.

I've also been thinking about a Christmas card.  I lost several addresses when a not so good technician moved things to my new laptop so some may not get one.  I've found a new technician but that's another story and it's too late for the mailing lists.

Since I'm moving back into watercolors I want to try something different -- perhaps a poinsettia, we'll see.  Meanwhile I'm enjoying playing with washes and rocks.  Yesterday's wash turned out to be a disaster.  However, I saw a couple rocks in the mess so I started playing.  There's still a ways to go and it may end up being okay after all.  What do you think, is there any hope?

Meanwhile I'm beginning to search for poinsettia images.  If you have any would you share?

1 comment:

Joan Tavolott said...

I can definitely see the rocks hiding under there. Go for it!