
Friday, January 25, 2019

Some Art and Other Thoughts

First some sketches... I always have a sketchbook with me and on Sunday I worked at the Gallery Uptown here in Grand Haven.  It was a cold day so not too many people downtown; I had time to do a couple sketches from weekend drawing event images over on

And I did a couple more in my Collage Journal

And the thoughts....

January is always a time for me to reflect on life... where I've been and where I'm going.  I'm not a planner.  I don't always know where I want to go so the planning is usually pie in the sky.  To be honest sometimes life just takes me along without my realizing where it's taking me.  So far it's been a pretty good ride; however, as I am looking at the shorter end of my life I think perhaps it's time to think about what I where I want to go with the rest of it.

I did do something very different this year... a weekly goal.  And so far it's been working.  Four weeks almost gone, three goals accomplished, this weeks almost done.  The goal for the month has been get that studio organized so you can spend the rest of the year making art.

One of the blogs I read is Laura Lein-Svencner.  She posted some thoughts I thought where worth thinking about as I begin to think about the direction my art is going to go...
  • Why do we make our art? 
  • Can it be to communicate without words? 
  • Can it be to respond, understand and document our lives? 
  • It's not a race, Slow down and take the time needed.....
  • Learn to love the process. 
  • Ask the question- Do I like this?  Yes or No
  • Create interest by making differences. 
  • Be the change in your art and through your art. 
  • Let go of instant gratification.
One of those I don't need to think about... I don't need to learn to love the process.  That one I've got covered; my problem is I love too many processes.  Another is the first one... I know it's something I have to do but should it be more... I don't know.

And a thought that I think fits art.  I have often said putting ones art out there is like standing in the middle of a party nude.


This past weeks news also gave me much to think about and do I want to say something about it with my art?  Maybe just in my sketchbook for me alone.  

The fact that so many adults jumped on a story without checking the facts just because it fit the narrative they wanted bothered me, a lot.  And then, when the whole story came out these same adults claimed it was still the kids fault for wearing a MAGA hat because they claim a MAGA hat is the same as White Hood worn by the KKK.  I'm sorry.... NO!  Just because 10% of the 63 million who voted for Trump may be racist (and I say may be because that is a matter of interpretation) doesn't mean anyone who wears a red hat is racist.  

I think I need to buy a MAGA hat.

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